Current and Electric Circuits :: Problem 16

Problem 16: Three equal resistors each of 12Ω can be connected in four different ways. What is equivalent resistance of each combination?


Step: 1 Overview

Parallel Combination of resistors.
See overview of problem 7.
Series combination of resistors.
See overview of problem 8.

Step: 2 Calculation

First possible combination can be:
Now equivalent resistance of this combination will be:
R = R1+R2+R3
R = 12+12+12
R = 36Ω
Second Combination can be:
series and parallel combination of resistors
In this combination two resistors are in series so their net resistance will be:
Rseries = 12+12
Rseries = 24Ω
And third resistance is connected in parallel with this combination, so total resistance will be:
1/R = 1/12 + 1/Rseries
1/R = 1/12 + 1/24
1/R = (2+1)/24
1/R = 3/24
1/R = 1/8
R = 8Ω
Third possible combination can be:
parallel and series combination of resistors
In this combination the resistance of parallel combination will be:
1/Rparallel = 1/12 +1/12
1/Rparallel = 2/12
1/Rparallel = 1/6
Rparallel = 6Ω
Series combination with third resistor gives net equivalent resistance:
R = Rparallel + 12
R = 6 + 12
R = 18Ω
Fourth possible combination can be:
parallel combination of resistors
In this combination all the resistors are in parallel, so their equivalent resistance will be:
1/R = 1/12 + 1/12 +1/12
1/R = (1+1+1)/12
1/R = 3/12
1/R = 1/4
R = 4Ω
So the possible equivalent resistances of these resistors each of 12Ω, will be 4Ω8Ω18Ω and 36Ω.
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