Electrostatics :: Problem 4

Problem 4: Two charges of +2 x 10-7C and -5 x 10-7C are placed at a distance of 50cm from each other. Find a point on the line joining the charges at which the electric field is zero.


Step: 1 Overview

Electric Field and Its Intensity:
Electric Field:
It is a region around a charge body in which another charge experiences an electric force.
Intensity of Electric Field:
The force experienced by the test charge at a point per unit charge is known as intensity of Electric Field. Mathematically:
We know that: F=Kqqo/r2

Step: 2 Calculation

Zero Intensity of electric field

Intensity of field at P will be zero if and only if the intensity due to both charges is same at that point because of different charges.

Intensity at point P due to charge q1= +2 x 10-7C:
Intensity at point P due to charge q2= -5 x 10-7C:
Since both are equal at point P,
E1 = E2
Kq1/X2 = Kq2/(X+0.5)2
dividing K both sides,
q1/X2 = q2/(X+0.5)2
(+2 x 10-7)/X2 = (5 x 10-7)/(X+0.5)2
dividing 10-7 both side,
2/X2 = 5/(X+0.5)2
2(X+0.5)2 = 5X2
2(X2+X+0.25) = 5X2
5X2 = 2X2+2X+0.5
3X2-2X-0.5 = 0
After using quadratic equation, values of X will be:
X=0.86, X=-0.19
We neglect the negative value, So,
X=0.86m from q1 (Ans)
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