Electrostatics :: Problem 2

Problem 2: Two point charges of +1x10-4 and -1x10-4 coulombs are placed at a distance of 40cm from each other. A charge +6x10-5coulombs is placed mid way between them. What is the magnitude and direction of force on it?


Step: 1 Overview

According to coulomb's law like charges (charges having similiar signs either +ve or -ve) repel each other and unlike charges attract each other. And force of that attraction or repulsion will be:

F=Kq1q2/r2 where value of constant K is 9x109Nm2/C2.

Step: 2 Calculation

Now naming the charges, suppose first charge (+1x10-4) is Q1, second (-1x10-4) is Q2 and third (+6x10-5) is Q3.
electrostatic force
Force on Q3 due to Q1 (F1):
Since distance between Q1 and Q2 is 40cm, and Q3 is placed in a midway between Q1 and Q2, so distance between Q1 and Q3 will be 20cm (or 0.2m).
Since both charges have +ve sign, it means both repel each other, so direction of force on Q3 due to Q1 will be along Q2.
Force on Q3 due to Q2 (F2):
Similiarly distance between Q2 and Q3 will also be 20cm (or 0.2m).
Since both Q3 and Q2 have inverse charges, it means they attract each other, so in this case force on Q3 will also be towards Q2.
Net Force on Q3:
F=2700N towards Q2(-ve charge) (Ans).
Note! +ve and -ve signs are only used to determine the direction of force, that is why they are not used in the above calculation.

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