Interpretation of Pressure on Kinetic Theory of Gases

Interpretation of Pressure on Kinetic Theory of Gases:

In the previous topic Kinetic Theory of Gases, we learn how the gas molecules behave. Now we are going to calculate pressure of an ideal gas. First consider a cubic vessel containing N number of molecules of an ideal gas, its length is L, and its walls are perfectly elastic. As shown in the following figure:
interpretation of pressure on kinetic theory of gases
All molecules are moving with certain velocities in random directions, now we resolve their velocities in particular directions (i,e; in x-axis, in y-axis and in z-axis), so their velocities can be written as vxvy and vz. In the above figure the faces of cube (bottom, top and sides) are in respectively x-axis, y-axis and z-axis. So when a molecule collide with a certain face, then only a single component of velocity changes, while other components remains same. For example when a molecules collides with left side of the cube, only its x-component of velocity will reverse, and other components vyand vz remains same.
interpretation of pressure on kinetic theory of gases
The momentum before collision in x-axis is mvx and after collision it will be -mvx. So change of momentum will be:
Now calculating time required for a molecules to reach from one face to another.

Time = distance from one face to another / velocity
t = L/vx
Total time required for a molecule to come back in the same positions will be twice as that for to reach from one face to another:
T = 2L/vx
We know that force is a rate of change of momentum, so the force exerted on above face will be:
Force = change of momentum / time
F = (2mvx) / (2L/vx)
F= mvx2/L
Above force is a force exerted by a single molecule, hence force exerted by all molecules in x-axis will be:
Ftotal=mv1x2/L + mv2x2/L + mv3x2/L + ... + mvnx2/L
Total pressure will be:
Pressure = Force/Area
P = [(m/L)(v1x2+v2x2+v3x2+...+vnx2)]/L2
P = (m/L3)(v1x2+v2x2+v3x2+...+vnx2)
Since Volume of cube (V) = L3
P = (m/V)(v1x2+v2x2+v3x2+...+vnx2)
multiplying and dividing by N:
P = (mN/V)(v1x2+v2x2+v3x2+...+vnx2)/N
Since m is mass of one molecule, and N is a total number of molecules, hence total mass will be mN, substituting in above equation:
P = (mtotal/V)(v1x2+v2x2+v3x2+...+vnx2)/N
Also mass/volume is known as density, so putting ρ=mtotal/V in above equation:
P = ρ(v1x2+v2x2+v3x2+...+vnx2)/N
(v1x2+v2x2+v3x2+...+vnx2)/N is the average value of velocity putting in above equation:
P = ρ[vx(avg)]2 ---(i)
[vx(avg)]2 is the only x-component of velocity, other components can be [vy(avg)]2 and [vy(avg)]2, so total average velocity will be:
On the average:
[vx(avg)]2 = [vy(avg)]2 = [vz(avg)]2
[vx(avg)]2=[v(avg)]2/3             putting in equation (i)
P = ρ[v(avg)]2/3
or P = (1/3)ρ[v(avg)]2
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